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WhatsApp Marketing Success Story for Omay Foods

Daisy Raines

Jul 12, 2024 • Filed to: Manage Social Apps • Proven solutions

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) are two of the biggest shopping days of the year. With major sales and discounts, consumers flock online and to stores to get the best deals. BFCM kicks off the holiday shopping season and is crucial for retailers to drive sales.

For brands, BFCM presents a major opportunity to acquire new customers, increase sales and gain brand awareness. But with so much competition, brands need effective marketing strategies to stand out. This is where WhatsApp comes in.

WhatsApp is used by over 2 billion people globally, making it one of the most popular messaging apps. Integrating WhatsApp marketing into your BFCM strategy allows you to directly connect with customers in a personal way. Messaging creates more meaningful relationships and trust compared to other channels.

The frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday is prime time to connect with customers. But standing out isn’t easy amongst all the noise. WhatsApp provides a way to personally engage shoppers.

Omay Food Products

Part 1: Why Do you need WhatsApp for BFCM Sales?

  • Forge Meaningful Connections: WhatsApp facilitates real, two-way conversations at scale. Instead of shouting into the void, you can directly interact with over 2 billion people worldwide. This personal approach builds trust quickly. Tailor your BFCM promotions based on genuine dialogues.
  • Be There in Real-Time: BFCM sparks a flood of questions and purchases. Via WhatsApp, you can provide instant guidance when it matters most. Whether answering product FAQs or helping complete orders, real-time support improves the customer journey. The human touch of WhatsApp marketing creates meaningful connections that convert. This BFCM, don’t just blast generic deals into the abyss. Have real conversations that

Customer Service

  • Directly Share Offers & Accept Orders: Get deals directly into the hands of interested buyers through targeted messages. Customers can conveniently place orders by simply texting you back. Everything from browsing to buying happens seamlessly within your WhatsApp chat.
  • Drive Traffic with Personalized CTAs: Use customized calls-to-action to direct people to specific landing pages. A personal invite to visit your BFCM sale page goes much further than a generic ad. With messaging, you can send reminders and follow-ups to boost conversions.
  • WhatsApp delivers the human touch that drives results: This BFCM don’t just broadcast generic deals - have real conversations that convert visitors into delighted customers.
  • Analytics: Gain data and insights into your WhatsApp marketing efforts to further optimize and improve.


  • Cost-effective: WhatsApp business messaging has a much lower cost compared to other paid advertising channels.

The direct, real-time, and personal nature of WhatsApp makes it highly effective for customer engagement and conversions during busy sales events like BFCM.

Part 2: Example of Omay Food’s WhatsApp Marketing

Omay Foods creates modern snacks through an ancient roasting process, using no oil or butter. Their line of roasted seeds, nuts, and legumes offers oil-free, cholesterol-free options for health-conscious eaters.

As a young brand, Omay sought an easy, human way to guide new customers through the ordering process. They also needed easier communication with B2B customers beyond email.

Omay's Strategy: Personalized WhatsApp Customer Service

Personalised WhatsApp Chat

To enhance the customer experience, Omay has integrated WhatsApp buttons into their website, Facebook page, and Instagram profile. This allows customers to start conversations easily and create trust before placing their order.

Omay tapped into several key WhatsApp business features to boost customer experience. Quick replies, product catalogs, and business profiles allowed them to set expectations and build trust right from the initial message.

As conversations progressed, customers naturally began using WhatsApp to conveniently reorder products by simply messaging Omay. The platform became a trusted channel for repeat purchases.

Generating Interest through Facebook Ads

To drive new interest, Omay ran Facebook ads targeted to their audience. The ads brought visitors to the Omay website, where a call-to-action invited them to message the brand directly via WhatsApp.

Omay's Results: More Inquiries, Returning Customers, and Sales

Omay Products

Integrating WhatsApp delivered outstanding business growth:

  • Inquiries increased 500% compared to email
  • Repeat customers tripled by reordering through WhatsApp
  • B2B partner sales rose by 500%

Ongoing WhatsApp conversations nurtured customer loyalty over time. The personalized experiences guided people from initial inquiries to becoming brand advocates.

By meeting customers where they already spend time, Omay transformed WhatsApp into a sales driver. The human touch of messaging built connections that email could not.

By leveraging WhatsApp for customer service, Omay Foods transformed the ordering experience. Customers greatly appreciate the guidance they receive from inquiries to purchase via WhatsApp.

Meanwhile, Omay focused on using WhatsApp to make human connections that increased sales. Seamless WhatsApp integration helps young brands like Omay turn interested visitors into lifelong customers. With the personal touch of messaging, businesses make each customer feel valued.

Seamless Customer Journeys

Happy Customers

With WhatsApp integrated across web and social platforms, people could smoothly transition from discovering Omay to purchasing:

  • See an Instagram ad, click through to the website, and message the brand from there
  • Browse products on Facebook, initiate a chat via the messaging button

Omay created seamless bridges between channels. WhatsApp provided continuity for conversations as customers moved across touchpoints.

Instead of cold, disjointed brand experiences, people enjoyed personalized guidance from start to finish. This increased satisfaction, sales, and loyalty.

The Emotional Element

Omay Foods Stall

Ultimately, WhatsApp enabled Omay Foods to forge emotional connections with customers. The conversational nature of messaging feels more human than sterile emails or forms.

By mirroring real-life interactions, WhatsApp chats evoke a warmer, more helpful feeling. This empowers brands to show they genuinely care versus just wanting sales.

Omay built relationships through the cumulative trust earned across many small WhatsApp exchanges. Instead of faceless transactions, they crafted personalized experiences filled with care.

This emotional element is what distinguishes human-centered brands. And it's what transforms one-time buyers into lifelong brand ambassadors.

Omay's WhatsApp marketing success demonstrates the power of conversations to nurture customer relationships. Their approach focused on long-term emotional connections, not just short-term sales. The human touch remains invaluable, even in a digital world.

Tips:Are you worried about transferring your WhatsApp messages when you switch to a new phone or encounter any other emergencies? Worry not, as Dr.Fone helps to transfer your WhatsApp data from an Android device to an iOS device, or vice versa. Say goodbye to the limitations of operating systems and enjoy the freedom to switch between platforms without losing any precious conversations, photos, or videos.

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Big Sale Banner

WhatsApp marketing, when done right, can be a game-changer for your BFCM promotions. The human connection of messaging helps you engage customers in a more meaningful way. This leads to higher conversions, customer retention, and sales.

Like Omay Foods, integrate WhatsApp across your digital platforms. Use it to provide personalized support, share deals, and accept orders. With real-time capabilities, WhatsApp helps you capitalize on BFCM shopping mania.

Most importantly, treat WhatsApp as an opportunity to build relationships with customers. This connection and trust will pay off enormously for your brand over the long-term.

Make the most of the busy holiday shopping season by incorporating WhatsApp into your BFCM marketing strategy. Messaging creates the human touch that online shopping often lacks.

Daisy Raines

Daisy Raines

staff Editor

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