Dr.Fone Support Center
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Help Category
1. How do I request a refund for Dr.Fone?
2. Why I haven't received the refund yet?
- There is a delay with processing your refund
Once a refund is confirmed by us, it usually takes 7 to 10 business days for the funds to be credited to your account. However, depending on the transaction type it may take up to 21 days over busy festive periods. - A chargeback has been requested
Once a chargeback has been requested the funds will be frozen by the payment authority (card issuer/bank/ PayPal etc.) until the verdict of the chargeback request has been determined. Please contact the payment company or card issuer to request further details regarding their chargeback procedures. - The product was purchased from a third-party platform, such as the Apple App Store. For privacy reasons, your purchase information wasn’t shared and therefore we are able to process the refund for you. However, if needed, we are glad to try our best to assist you to contact the reseller so you can request the refund from them.
3. What is your Refund Policy?
You can check the details of our Refund Policy here. For any reasonable order dispute, Wondershare welcomes customers to submit the refund request and we are happy to assist you in the process.
4. What ways can I pay for my purchase?
Diners Club
Qiwi Wallet
American Express
Chinese Debit Card
Bank/Wire Transfer

Please note that if you there will usually be a 3-5 day hold on the check so that it can clear the bank. Once it has cleared, PayPal sends an automatic notification to use and only then will delivery of the software be completed.
5. My payment failed, what should I do?
- Double check the credit card information you entered.
- Check whether your credit card has not expired.
- Check if your payment account has sufficient funds.
- Last, when payment failed, you should be able to receive detailed information about the failed transaction from your bank. Don’t hesitate to contact your bank and request further help.
6. What license options do you offer?
For personal use, we provide 1 Year License/Lifetime License for 1-5 mobile devices. This license can be used on 1 PC/Mac.
You can also find more customized licenses on each product purchasing page, including
1 Year License for 6-10 Devices
1 Year License for 11-15 Devices
1 Year License for 16-20 Devices
1 Year License for 21-50 Devices
1 Year License for 51-100 Devices
And even 1 Year License for Unlimited Devices
You can always contact us on the business section for more customized needs.
7. What is your License Policy and EULA?
8. What is Download Insurance in the shopping cart?
To download your copy of products again, please go to http://www.download-insurance.com, enter your email address or order number and click Submit button, you will be able to download full installer of your program.
If you don’t want the Download Insurance, you can remove it from the shopping cart by clicking on the Trash button.
9. How do I cancel the automatic renewal for a subscription?
You can also cancel the subscriptions using the links below.
For Swreg orders, go to https://www.cardquery.com and click “I want to cancel my recurring payment”.
For Regnow orders, visit the link below and enter your order information. Click the order and you will be able to cancel the recurring payment.
For Avangate orders, click the link below and log in your Avangate account. Go to “My Products” and click “Stop automatic license renewal”.
For Paypal orders, log in your Paypal account, go to Profile > Financial info > click Update in the My preapproved payments section. Then click Cancel or Cancel automatic billing.
If you need any further assistance, you can also contact our support team here for further assistance.
10. What should I do if I purchased the wrong product?
1) We can provide you a 20% discount to purchase the correct product if you would like to keep the wrong product as well. Just contact us and we will get that set up for you.
2) You can purchase the correct product from Wondershare Store, and then contact us with the details of both orders. We can then assist and get the wrong order refunded back to you.