5 Essential Things You Should Know about Team Go Rocket Grunts
Feb 21, 2025 • Filed to: Virtual Location Solutions • Proven solutions
"What are Team Go Rocket Grunts? I recently visited a Pokestop, but it seemed different and said that it has been invaded by Pokemon Go grunts."
If you have also taken a break from Pokemon Go lately, then you might not know the addition of Pokemon Go Rocket grunts. The concept of Pokemon Go Team Rocket grunts was added last year and has drastically changed the game. This has got a lot of players confused, who are still trying to figure out how to fight with Team Rocket grunt in Pokemon Go. Without much ado, let's discuss every important thing about Pokemon Go Rocket grunts.

Part 1: Who are Team Go Rocket Grunts?
If you have watched the original Pokemon anime, then you might be familiar with James and Jessie, who belonged to Team Rocket. Last year, Niantic also introduced Team Go Rocket grunts in the game. They are all a part of Team Rocket and have a malicious agenda of using Pokemons for bad things.
Presently, Pokemon Go grunts can invade any Pokestop near you. Now, your aim is to defeat these Pokemon Go Rocket grunts and claim the Pokestop again from them. If you win the battle, then it will increase your XP and would also get you a chance to catch a shadow Pokemon (that would be left behind by a grunt).

Part 2: What Types of Pokemons do Team Rocket Grunts use?
Once you approach a Pokestop that is invaded by a grunt in Pokemon Go, they will taunt you by saying something. On the basis of their taunts, you can decipher the kind of Pokemons they are about to use. This will help you select your Pokemons efficiently and you can easily win your upcoming battle with a Rocket grunt in Pokemon Go.
Prompt: Normal doesn't mean weak
Expected Pokemons: Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, and Snorlax
Shadow Pokemon: Porygon
Counter Pick: Fighting-type Pokemons
Prompt: Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke-Ke
Expected Pokemons: Misdreavus, Sableye, Banette, and Dusclops
Shadow Pokemon: Misdreavus
Counter Pick: Dark-type Pokemons
Prompt: You will be defeated into the ground
Expected Pokemons: Sandshrew, Larvitar, Trapinch, Pupitar, Vibrava, Marowak, and Flygon
Shadow Pokemon: Sandshrew, Larvitar, or Trapinch
Counter Pick: Grass and water-type Pokemons
Prompt: Go, my super bug Pokemon!
Expected Pokemons: Weedle, Venenat, Kakuna, Venomoth, Beedrill, and Scizor
Shadow Pokemon: Weedle or Venonat
Counter Pick: Rock, fire, or flying-type Pokemons
Prompt: This buff physique isn't just for show
Expected Pokemons: Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee
Shadow Pokemon: Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee
Counter Pick: Psychic-type Pokemons

Prompt: Let's rock and roll!
Expected Pokemons: Omanyte, Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar
Shadow Pokemon: Omanyte or Larvitar
Counter Pick: Fighting or psychic-type Pokemons
Prompt: Battle against my flying-type Pokemon!
Expected Pokemons: Zubat, Golbat, Scyther, Crobat, Gyarados, or Dragonite
Shadow Pokemon: Zubat or Golbat
Counter Pick: Electric or ice-type Pokemons
Prompt: Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?
Expected Pokemons: Abra, Wobbuffet, Ralts, Hypno, Kirlia, Kadabra, and Drowzee
Shadow Pokemon: Abra, Wobbuffet, Hypno, or Ralts
Counter Pick: Dark-type Pokemons
Prompt: Don't tangle with us!
Expected Pokemons: Bulbasaur, Exeggcute, Bellsprout, Gloom, Ivysaur, Vileplume, and Weepinbell
Shadow Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Exeggcute, Bellsprout, or Gloom
Counter Pick: Fire-type Pokemon
Prompt: Get ready to be shocked
Expected Pokemons: Magnemite, Electabuzz, Mareep, Flaaffy, or Ampharos
Shadow Pokemon: Magnemite, Electabuzz or Mareep
Counter Pick: Ground-type Pokemons
Part 3: How to Battle Against Team Go Rocket Grunts?
Now when you know what kinds of Pokemons Team Go Rocket grunts use, you are all set to battle them. If you haven't defended a Pokestop from a Team Rocket grunt in Pokemon Go, then consider these steps.
1. Firstly, just launch Pokemon Go on your device and try to look for a Pokestop nearby. If a Pokestop has been invaded by a Rocket grunt in Pokemon Go, then it will have a highlighted shade and will keep moving.

2. Now, once you approach the Pokestop, its color will change to black and you can see a Team Rocket grunt in Pokemon Go.

3. To defend the Pokestop, just tap on the grunt and they will taunt you. Now, you can select your Pokemons and start fighting with them. This will be just like any other battle with different Pokemon line-ups.

4. Once you have defeated a grunt in Pokemon Go, you will gain XP points and premium balls. These balls can be used to catch a shadow Pokemon that would be left by Team Go Rocket grunts.

Part 4: Difference between Team Rocket Grunts and Leaders
Apart from different Team Go Rocket grunts, the game also had 3 Team Rocket leaders - Cliff, Sierra, and Arlo. Fighting them would be tougher than a usual grunt, but it will also result in better rewards and rare shadow Pokemons. Besides that, if you level-up in the Team Rocket tasks, then you can even fight their ultimate boss - Giovanni. You can only fight Team Rocket leaders if you are at least level 8 in the game.
1. Finding a Team Rocket leader is not that easy as you would need a Rocket Radar to identify their spots. Whenever you fight with Team Go Rocket grunts, they will leave a "mysterious item" in the end.
2. After when you will have 6 of these mysterious items, you can combine them, and they will form a "Rocket Radar".

3. Using the radar, you can view the hideout spots of these Team Rocket leaders. You can visit this Pokestop and fight with them just like you fight any other Team Go Rocket grunt. Though, fighting with them would be tougher as they will have higher-skilled Pokemons.

4. There are special research tasks in Pokemon Go presently that you need to complete to get a Super Rocket Radar. Using this radar, you can know the location of Giovanni (their boss) and fight him subsequently.
In conclusion
Now that you know how to battle Team Rocket Grunts in Pokemon Go, let’s get started. Have fun!
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Virtual Location

Alice MJ
staff Editor