Pokémon Go Fest 2025 - Comprehensive Guide on What to Expect
Feb 21, 2025 • Filed to: Virtual Location Solutions • Proven solutions
Hey, fellow Pokemon Trainer! Are you excited about the biggest Pokemon event of the year? Yes, I am talking about the Pokemon Go Fest 2024. The event is just around the corner, and there is so much excitement about what’s to come. If you are as excited as we are, you have landed on the right post.
This blog post will serve as your complete guide regarding Pokemon Go Fest 2024. We will cover everything from the locations to schedule, ticket prices, and more. So stay with us as we explore the most exciting event of the year.
Part 1. 2024 Pokemon GO Fest Detailed Info:
Pokemon Go Fest is always a fun-filled and adventurous event. Like every year, this year’s fest will also bring some amazing adventures, Pokemon spawns, bonuses, and more. Let’s dive into some details about the event.
1-1. Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Real-World Locations
The 2024 Pokemon Go Fest will feature several in-person events across various major cities worldwide. These locations are chosen to offer trainers an exciting experience with themed areas, special Pokemon spawns, and various in-game events. The cities chosen for this year’s Pokemon Go Fest include:
Sendai, Japan:
Trainers can explore some unique Pokemon in the Greenest city of the world. Sendai is the host city for this year’s Go Fest in Asia. The Go Fest Adventures will be coming back to Japan from May 30 to June 2, 2024. Be sure you don’t miss out.
Madrid, Spain:
For Europe, the Go Fest activities will be taking place in Madrid, Spain. Explore the culturally rich environment of Spain and explore some new Pokemon from June 14 to 16, 2024.
New York City, USA:
The diverse neighborhoods of New York City will present another exciting adventure for Pokemon Go Fest 2024. So mark your calendars for July 5 to 7, 2024, and capture some Yankee Pokemon.
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global
Can’t travel to the real-world locations? Well, don’t worry! You can still be a part of the event online. Pokemon Go Fest will have a two-day, fun-packed virtual event for trainers across the globe. Be a part of all the fun on July 13 and 14, 2024. The Global event will bring special Pokémon spawns, timed Research, special tasks, a global challenge arena, exclusive raids, and new shiny Pokemon. Don’t miss out on the Global event.
1-2. Pokemon GO Fest Tickets 2024
Pokemon Go Fest tickets for 2024 can be bought inside the Pokemon Go app or through the website via this link: https://tickets.nianticlabs.com/events/pgo. Tickets will be required to attend the in-person events. As for the Global event, trainers across the world can join the fun with or without a ticket. However, ticket holders will receive some exclusive benefits, including:
- Special Research to learn about mythical Pokemon Marshadow and Necrozma.
- Access to the Global Challenge Arena, where trainers will work together to complete challenges and earn rewards.
- Special Incense Encounters with “Day” and “Night” Unown, Maractus, Corsola, Rockruff, and Vullaby.
- An increased chance of encountering unique Shiny Pokémon.
- Up to six Special Trades each day.
- Chance to level up your Elite Collector medal.
- Up to 9 free Raid passes by spinning discs at gyms.
- Special 7 km eggs for the event.
- 2x friendship bonus damage in raids.

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Part 2. What’s New This Year Compared to 2023?
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 brings far more adventures than 2023. You will get a chance to encounter some new and rare Pokemon. Below are some details of what’s new in Go Fest 2024.
2-1. New or Rare Shinies in This Year
This year, you will get to Research and, luckily, encounter some new or rare shiny Pokemon and mythical Pokemon in the wild.
Mythical Pokemon Marshadow:
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will feature special Research on the Mythical Pokemon Marshadow. Trainers will research and learn about the Pokemon and may even experience it in the wild.
Necrozma’s Debut:
The Prism Pokemon: Necrozma will make its debut in raids this year. Trainers will have the chance to research and learn about this Pokemon. You may also encounter it during raids.
Shiny Jangmo-o:
A new addition to this year’s Pokemon Go Fest is the Shiny Jangmo-o and its evolutions, Shiny Hakamo-o, and Kommo-o. Attendees will be able to encounter these Pokemon for the first time in the game.
2-2. Stylish Pokemon
Another new thing for this year’s Pokemon Go Fest is the addition of stylish Pokemon. Trainers around the globe will experience the following stylish Pokemon:
Umbreon and Espeon Wearing Scarves:
Umbreon and Espeon will appear in the wild wearing scarves. The event will bring Umbreon with a night scarf and Espeon wearing a day scarf.
“DAY” and “NIGHT” Unown:
Trainers will also encounter special Unown in the game. You can find Unown spelling Day and Night.
2-3. New Pokemon in Raids
Raids for the Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will also be a new, fun-filled experience with the introduction of new Pokemon. Trainers will encounter the following Pokemon in different tier raids.
- Moon Crown Pikachu, Sun Crown Pikachu, and Jangmo-o will show up in 1-star raids.
- Day Scarf Espeon and Night Scarf Umbreon will show up in 3-star raids.
- Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, and Necrozma will show up in 5-star raids.
Keep an eye out for these special Pokemon during raids, and you may get your hands on a new buddy.
2-4. Four Themed Habitats and Pokemon
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will feature four entirely new themed habitats with new and amazing Pokemon. The table below lists the schedule of the Habitat rotation along with the Pokemon involved in each habitat.
Theme |
Dawn Meadow |
Shining Day |
Creeping Dusk |
Darkest Night |
Local Time | 10:00 - 11:00
14:00 - 15:00 |
11:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 16:00 |
12:00 - 13:00
16:00 - 17:00 |
13:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 18:00 |
Appearing Pokemon | Pidgey, Pikachu, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Girafarig, Wingull, Snivy, Cottonee, Ducklett, Ferroseed, Axew, Stunfisk, Heatmor, Inkay | Charmander, Dratini, Sunkern, Dunsparce, Sneasel, Solrock, Budew, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Dedenne, Yungoos, Fomantis, Jangmo-o | Pikachu, Eevee, Spinarak, Volbeat, Illumise, Gible, Venipede, Emolga, Litwick, Golett, Durant, Espurr, Phantump, Grubbin | Rattata, Gligar, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Mudkip, Carvanha, Lunatone, Deino, Binnacle, Amaura, Carbink, Crabrawler, Morelull |
Wrapping Up:
So this is all about Pokemon Go Fest 2024. We have covered every detail from the schedule of the event to the new Pokemon available and more.
We hope this blog post has answered all your questions about Pokemon Go Fest 2024. If you still have any questions regarding the event, let us know in the comments section below and we will love to help you out. This is all, and we will meet you in our next exciting blog post.
Virtual Location

James Davis
staff Editor